Wow, we have Kindergartener's! I don't feel old enough to:
- have boys in school,
- coordinate carpool
- and make sure you get your homework done,
but here it is.
They were so excited to get up and get their favorite shirts of their new school clothes on and get their backpacks ready.
(Shh, they may be empty now, but soon they will be full of homework, art projects and show-n-tell)

Look how handsome!
What a smile!

Outside the school. There weren't many tears dropping them off. We did that the night before with father's blessing from Matthew and talking to the boys about school, new friends and all the new things they're going to learn. Wow, it still chokes me up just thinking about the new life experiences that are just starting.

Preston found his cubbie and put his backpack away.

The boys with their teach Mrs. Lyman. She is the coolest, sweetest teacher and already loves the boys. They call themselves "Lyman-ites" and are so excited to be in her class.

Preston at his table. He was so excited to meet his table-mates and make new friends.

Garrett immediately started doing the centers at his table with the two friends already there.

They already had homework after school which was very exciting to start
(we'll see how long the homework honeymoon lasts)
My sweet boys, stop growing up! Mommy wants you to stay this age forever!
I know you can't, so just promise me you'll always come home and give me a hug when you walk in the door and I promise this home will always be your safe place to land. Good luck on all your adventures to come, I love you.