Monday, November 29, 2010

I am Thankful for...

The Temple

My Family

My 4 Miracle Babies

The Man of My Dreams

Oh, and nap time...
Hoping you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving...
Bring on the snow, Christmas and all the fa la la la la that comes with it!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Time and a Season... for baking

The time has come
The weather has changed
The days are shorter
Next month is Christmas?
What? It's in 6 weeks?
It's on the 25th?
of December?

Well that means on this cold, late fall, Sunday evening... We make a comfort classic dinner of turkey and gravy, stuffing and veggies. Get our jammies on at 6:00 in the evening to snuggle up together to watch America's Funniest Videos and then what?


The boys loved cracking eggs (a thorough examination for shells took place), and adding brown sugar and flour.
I ask you, What is the best part of making cookies?
You're right! Licking the beaters of course!
Daddy is so sweet to always give mommy a spoonful of chocolate chip goodness!

The cookies are then scooped onto the baking dish and lovingly placed into a preheated 375 degree oven and then...
12 minutes later...
Gooey-chocolate chip bliss is ours!
Happy Autumn Sunday to you all!!!

Highlight: Warm chocolate chip cookies
Lowlight: It's 34 degrees outside and supposed to snow tomorrow... I guess more cookies will come!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another year

My LittleField's are Five today!!!

I cannot believe how time flies. I mean I can't believe how fast life can pass before your little eyes and your babies are no longer toddlers or babies or even infants for very long.

The boys were so excited to have family and friends come celebrate and bring awesome gifts. They were so happy and gave thanks to everyone.

Make a wish!!!
I asked Preston what he wished for, his response "it won't come true, why would you even ask me that."
Am I the worse mother ever???
Yummy Cake (I hope)
The highlight of the night.
Grandma and Grandpa Field gave them "real live laptops, for real life."
I had just made a cardboard laptop for the boys earlier in the day. I even wrote out all the keys and square monitor with a black sharpie. The neighbor actually put a little apple on the front so it looked like moms computer...
But then! Real Life laptops!
Yup, at 7:30 the next morning they were already on them! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Five Things I love about Garrett:
1 - He loves his puppy
2 - He loves to snuggle
3 - His funny, dry sense of humor
4 - His most genuine, infectious smile
5 - He tells me I'm pretty almost every day

Five Things Matthew Loves about Preston:
1 - He always lets me know what he's thinking
2 - His fear of cavity bugs
3 - His laugh
4 - His natural ability to work any electronic device
5 - He knows his daddy is a super hero

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life's Constants

There are universal constants in the world.

The sun will rise in the East and set in the West.
What goes up must come down.
An empty box of crackers will always end up on the shelf in the pantry.
The empty toilet paper roll will never have a backup.

Along those same lines, there are constants in life.

Talmage will always stare at you patiently waiting to give you a smile.
Kirtlyn will always smile when her daddy looks at her.
Garrett will always ask for some form of sugar within 10 minutes of waking up.
Preston will always scratch his nose when putting thoughts together.
I will always leave a tissue in some article of clothing that will ultimately get little white fuzzies all over the laundry.
Matthew will always fall asleep while attempting to rock a baby to sleep.

But there is one thing I know for sure...

I will always love you.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Pictures Worth...

the field family

baby love


oh brothers

10 years later...