Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our newest addition


So we did it and caved and added a little 3 pound, black and white, Japanese Chin puppy our family. He's the sweetest, cutest, perfect little guy. (Oh, and he doesn't bark! bonus) We are so happy and excited to bring him to our home.

So if you want to come say hi...
Charlie would love to give you a snuggle and a big kiss!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kindergarten Here We Come!

Wow, we have Kindergartener's! I don't feel old enough to:
- have boys in school,
- coordinate carpool
- and make sure you get your homework done,
but here it is.

They were so excited to get up and get their favorite shirts of their new school clothes on and get their backpacks ready.
(Shh, they may be empty now, but soon they will be full of homework, art projects and show-n-tell)
Look how handsome!
What a smile!

Outside the school. There weren't many tears dropping them off. We did that the night before with father's blessing from Matthew and talking to the boys about school, new friends and all the new things they're going to learn. Wow, it still chokes me up just thinking about the new life experiences that are just starting.
Preston found his cubbie and put his backpack away.
The boys with their teach Mrs. Lyman. She is the coolest, sweetest teacher and already loves the boys. They call themselves "Lyman-ites" and are so excited to be in her class.
Preston at his table. He was so excited to meet his table-mates and make new friends.
Garrett immediately started doing the centers at his table with the two friends already there.
They already had homework after school which was very exciting to start
(we'll see how long the homework honeymoon lasts)
My sweet boys, stop growing up! Mommy wants you to stay this age forever!
I know you can't, so just promise me you'll always come home and give me a hug when you walk in the door and I promise this home will always be your safe place to land. Good luck on all your adventures to come, I love you.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer fun and swim lessons

Summer wouldn't be summer without swim lessons, right?

Garrett with his class
Preston learning to kick
Preston got to wear his goggles in hopes he would put his head under water
(but nope, the only child to come home from swim lessons with dry hair)
And who doesn't come home after a day of swimming to become Jedi Knights and protect house and home?

Oh I love my boys... oops, I mean Jedi's

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to Talmage and Kirtlyn!

We're One... We're One!!!
Come to our party!!!

Delicious cupcakes were served.
Fabulous Shirley Temples!
Amazing party decor!
Got to have an amazing outfit!
(my mom made me wear it)
It's all about the dress and the accessories!

Our family and friends gave us fantastic gifts.

Princess Toys!!! Yay for pink!
(I love having girl toys and not always having to play with my brothers' toys)
My favorite puppy!
My favorite Lamb-y!
In Field son tradition, I got my first mitt!
Thanks to all our friends for coming!
We started out clean!
We had yummy cake!

Really yummy cake!
Thanks for coming to our birthday party!
We love you!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

2011 Concert Trifecta

Alright, this year is absolutely my dream come true of concert appearances...
Valentine's Day - Sarah McLachlan
May 24 - U2
July 2nd - Brad Paisley
If you would ask me, my top 3 bands/artists to see live in concert... these would be them.
And I've gotten to see them all within 5 months!!! I am a lucky girl!

Stadium of Fire 2011
The Flyover (highlight!!!)
Lauren - my date for the evening!
(Hey sis, thanks for taking me, I love you!!!)
And who opens for Brad? David Archuleta!
He did awesome, such a sweet kid too.
Oh and did we mention? We got a video message from...
The American Flag making it's entrance attached to a skydiver!
(Lowlight, the skydiver missed his landing and took out a fence, but the flag was quickly snatched up by the color guard)
And then... out comes my all time Country Favorite!
(Thanks Lauren for sending these pics. She sent me 139 photos, so I had to edit down, hope this gives a good sense of the awesome night we had)

Oh! Love the classic white cowboy hat!
(Brad never lose your signature!)
Brad... Lauren and I were twittering you before the show started? What? No shout out to your two biggest fans?
Lauren saying "He's right there!"
Brad even better on the jumbo-tron
Brad... sigh
Brad, classic guitar solo stance
And then...
Stadium of Fire!

Best night ever!!!

And to be fair... Here is a run down of the set list for the night.

Mud on the Tires
The World
Waiting on a Woman
I'm Still a Guy
I'm Gonna Miss Her
This Is Country Music
American Saturday Night
Old Alabama

Thank you Brad Paisley! You make celebrating our great nation's birthday even better! Let's do it again next year!!!