My Heavenly Father gave to me...
Four Blessings from Heaven
I am amazed when I look around my house and find myself raising four children. For the many years it took Matthew and I to get these little ones here, it was a long wait, now time is flying and I find myself not wanting them to grow up too fast.
My Preston
A day does not go by where I don't find myself giggling at something this little guy says. He makes me laugh, smile, and lose my patience all in one conversation. He is the best big brother and such a help to me. He is so funny, smart and can stump me throughout the day with the many questions that goes through his head.
My Garrett
Here is the sweetest, most tender hearted, funniest kid you will ever meet. His sense of humor cannot be beat. He is my snuggle buddy, my reading partner and my shadow throughout the day. He is so sweet and the best friend any mom could ask for.
My Talmage
As the babies are getting bigger, their personalities are shining through and this little boy has my heart. You can just tell how sweet and tender this little one is going to be. His smile is incredible and his giggle is so cute. You know a baby is sweet when even crying he doesn't want to make too much of a fuss. Yeah I'm kind of in love with him.

My Kirtlyn Rose
Oh how amazing is this little girl? I had resolved to be the mother of boys, and then this little girl comes along and amazes me daily. Her smile sparkles with love and brightness and she is so sweet that I cannot believe how much fun we're going to have. I believe all men should have little girls and I can tell already, she is going to be "Daddy's Little Girl" and that is just fine by me.
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