Sunday, March 27, 2011

You make me smile

Today I am feeling so thankful and happy,
For so many blessings and joys in my life.

Even though I got to listen to the welcome in both Sunday School and Relief Society, since I was assigned baby girl Kirtlyn and she decided the hall is funner than sitting in class...
I am truly thankful for my little miracles.

Look how precious...
What good big brothers!
The joy that spreads across my heart and the sight of these little ones, amazes me.
Today's Relief Society lesson was on walking in an attitude of gratitude.
For the few minutes I was in class, I felt like that lesson was for me.

I am grateful for a loving husband

I am grateful for four amazing children

I am grateful for my wonderful family

I am grateful for awesome neighbors and friends

I am grateful to be a mother and be home with my children

I am grateful for my health

I am truly grateful

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good lesson, we can all probably be more grateful ;D
