Sunday, March 27, 2011

You make me smile

Today I am feeling so thankful and happy,
For so many blessings and joys in my life.

Even though I got to listen to the welcome in both Sunday School and Relief Society, since I was assigned baby girl Kirtlyn and she decided the hall is funner than sitting in class...
I am truly thankful for my little miracles.

Look how precious...
What good big brothers!
The joy that spreads across my heart and the sight of these little ones, amazes me.
Today's Relief Society lesson was on walking in an attitude of gratitude.
For the few minutes I was in class, I felt like that lesson was for me.

I am grateful for a loving husband

I am grateful for four amazing children

I am grateful for my wonderful family

I am grateful for awesome neighbors and friends

I am grateful to be a mother and be home with my children

I am grateful for my health

I am truly grateful

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The "Didn't-Do" List

Today is Saturday which usually means getting to sleep in a little and house chores...etc. etc.

I guess today was not really that day.

My "To-Do" List turned from:
- Clean out garage
- Sweep and mop floors
- Clean out boys room
- Organize baby clothes
- Clean all bathrooms
- Vacuum all rooms

Into my "Didn't-Do" List and instead I did:
- Lunch with my big brother, husband, and kids
- Drive with family to Salt Lake for decor shopping
- Eat a lousy Gandolfo's sandwich (depressingly because usually they are the best!)
- Bathe four children and put to bed
- Sit on couch and surf the web while hubby hangs pictures
- Stay up way too late on FaceBook
- Realize how much I love spending time with my sweetie and amazing kids!

All in all... I'd say a pretty productive day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Collection is Growing

Apparently, I am building a new collection for myself.

About a week after Christmas we had to put two new tires on the front of the van because they were as bald as... well anything really really bald, and I was having a hard time driving through the snow and yup, in my garage, flat tire number one on the front driver's side tire.
Hmm... what is it?
Oh, that's right, it's the pin to some one's trailer hitch.
(Question, why isn't this in your trailer hitch???)

And yes, my sweet husband brought it back from the tire shop as a souvenir.
Well, as luck would have it, another flat tire has found it's way into my garage.
And we're not even sure what it is! Something tore into my tire and put a lovely unrepairable splice in my tire, forcing us to buy what now? Two new tires for the back!

Now I'm paranoid to drive and shouldn't be allowed on the road. Next time you're at my house, come look at my beautiful shadowbox full of
"Things Not to Drive Over"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

California - Land of Sun...

...And snow???

Thursday morning
and Thursday afternoon...

Kirsten and I drove out to California to help our sister Missy who is amazingly pregnant with her eighth child and getting her house ready to sell.

We spent the time cleaning, giggling, making food, giggling, cleaning up, and playing Grandma's game. Our favorite card game we played with our family growing up.

Then Saturday, we hopped in the car and drove out to Oakland to visit Grandma Nelda.
(She is almost 93, can you believe it! She looks amazing!!)
I quietly snuck around her apartment taking pictures. She has lived here for almost 23 years and it hasn't changed a bit, except the current pieces of art work she displays. I love her decorating, it's such a feeling of home to be here on the 17th floor, overlooking the beautiful hills of Oakland with the Oakland Temple only a few miles away.

I think I recognize those two little babies on the wall.
She has Lladro pieces everywhere, and you can guarantee, any dish like this one with a lid (or no lid) will have candy in it. Today was Dove chocolate pieces, hard candy, and toffee pieces.

For me, California is like going home. You just know where your roots are. What a great trip.