My Parents gave to me...
Five Older Siblings
I have to say being the "baby" of the family, you have a little different perspective on life. You get to look up to and learn from your older siblings. And I have to say, I have the best older siblings. I love and appreciate every member of my family and I'm so grateful for all the things they've taught me.
My Sweet Brother Kimball
My dad has always called us the "bookends." Which is fitting, but even though we're several years apart, he is one of my best friends. He is so funny, so wise, and so much fun to hang out with. He always has a project and such an amazing outlook on life. Through life's ups and downs, his faith and testimony never waivers, he is such an example to me.

My Lovely Oldest Sister Kerry
Oh how I miss you. You are an amazing woman with such faith, determination and love for everyone around you. You taught me how to work, laugh, and serve. You made everything around you beautiful. Your love and example will always be with me.
My Dearest Sister Becky
She just makes me smile. The only goal in life is to get her to giggle, because her laugh is so infectious, you can't help but laugh along. She has taught me how to be a mother, a home maker, how to serve and love. And one of the most amazing cooks I know. Seriously. OK, so she's super-mom, I have a long way to go.

My Adorable Sister Kirsten
So she's known as the crazy aunt (not me, she's the crazy one) and the funnest person in the world. She has the most amazing strength and loves to serve her family and friends. She has one of the best personalities of any one I've ever known. She has taught me how to cook, how to be a mom, how to be more patient and how to love all without even knowing she was doing it. She's such an amazing woman and mother.

My Amazing Sister Missy
So talk about super-mom, my sister Missy is pregnant with her eighth child and doesn't know how to slow down. She is the perfect example of service, love and faith. She has taught me more than she knows. She is so dedicated to her family, friends and any missionary out in their neck of the woods. Her life is dedicated to her Father in Heaven and her example is never-ending.

I am humbled and amazed by the siblings I have been blessed with. Each and every one is my example and best friend, my teacher and confidant. I love and adore them all.