So this might be a long post. Last Saturday (have I really not written a post since last Saturday? Sorry) My sweet sisters, mother-in-law and sisters-in-law threw me a diaper baby shower at Becky's house. It was so fun, we had good food, wonderful desserts and a toe nail painter come do all our toes.

Well, after a fun baby shower, in which I forgot to drink my 64-ish ounces of water... we found ourselves at the hospital in Orem later that evening. Again, results came back... dehydration. So this week I have been drinking a ton and seriously, you can feel like you're drowning, so I'm even acquiring a taste for Gatorade, grape, orange, blueberry-pomegranate. You need variety.
This week has been very quiet with trying to keep babies from coming. Our days around here consist of mom on the couch and the boys finding ways to entertain themselves. Hence, Preston found his spot on the stairs. I don't know how long he was there, working on that Buzz Lightyear video game, playing over and over to win it... and yes, he did find a way. "Mom, I won it, I did it, I really did it!"

Friday night we got to go to Grandma Field's birthday party and watch a movie outside projected on her house. It was so fun. They even took out the Lay-Z-Boy for me to be as comfortable as possible. And then... Saturday the boys got to go swimming at the pool! Best day EVER!

Talk about best day ever, I actually got to go out to dinner with my Dad, sisters and brother for Father's Day at my favorite restaurant and got to have my favorite dessert ever, the Chocolate Sonio at Carrabba's. Oh the goodness of chocolate served 3 ways! I could kiss whoever created it, or I should at least send a thank you card.
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