I went to the doctor today and he said we have made it to the Safe Zone. Meaning, if I end up back in the hospital any time soon, they won't try to stop contractions. Woo Hoo! Two months of bed rest down, now officially waiting for something to happen. I was talking to my friend who had her twins a few weeks ago, and she's says they're going through about 18 to 20 diapers a day... so the newborn diapers I have so far will get me about 2 plus weeks... aarrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Our ward has been so great. Since we've been in the ward I have been on bed rest and they have brought us dinner twice a week every week for two months. I am absolutely amazed. Tonight, some one brought huge Fat Boy ice cream bars that the boys and I enjoyed outside. If Matthew doesn't get home from softball soon, I cannot guarantee his will still be in the freezer.

I have to go the hospital on Wednesday to check baby boy and also again next Wednesday and if he's not growing like they'd like, or if he's losing fluids, then we could have babies as early as next weekend!!! Nevermind the uncomfortableness of all this, I cannot wait to see what these babies look like and hold and kiss and love on them! We got the babies crib up and all the clothes and blankets are washed and ready to go. Now we just need LittleField's here to fill them! Yeah!!!
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