Saturday, May 29, 2010

4 Weeks on Bed Rest Down!

After a busy week of going to Orem three times (that's a lot for me!) One was a doctor's appointment, one ultrasound, and Lauren's graduation from Orem High (go Tigers!) The babies are doing so great. Baby boy is 3 pounds, and baby girl is 3 pounds 3 ounces. Ok, so she's a little bigger. She is the queen bee of their current bedroom, and I have a feeling it's going to stay that way once they're in this house.

We finally came home for a long Memorial Day weekend. Daddy bought the boys new "Rock It" bikes, aka, rocket bikes cause they're super fast!! Preston wanted a treat at the checkout and I said, "do you want a treat or your bike? ... Yeah that's what I thought."
Matthew set up the tent in the backyard and the boys got to have a camp out. Garrett told me before bed, "Mommy, this is the best day ever! I'm so excited!" So with the wind and all, the boys stayed out all night. Except till about 3 in the morning when Garrett got scared and needed to go inside to go to the bathroom, and ran into the sliding glass door. Yeah, scared mommy into a contraction, but glad he's ok.
Saturday afternoon consists of yard work once again and today, Matthew decided to tackle the two dead trees in the front yard.

Matthew plus saw plus "timber"... equals I sit back out of the way, to say the least. Wow, busy weekend, I need a nap.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sad News

I had a doctor's appointment today and mustered up all my energy to get myself ready, pulled my hair back, oh, so nicely AND put make up on, thank you very much. Went to lunch with my family at Noodles (YUM!) and saw my boss there of all people!!! and got the "aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Umm...yes but I have a doctor's appointment today, and I need to eat right? Awkward!!!

So to the sad news of the day:
Wonderful Mother-in-Law drove me to the doctor, weight gain good, blood pressure good, go in to see the doctor and got the sad news of... "so you're measuring good, about what full term would be with one baby." .... What? Ok, I know, I know, I'm having two, but... HOLY COW, I'M HUGE!!!

I finally figured out when people say, "you're not that big for having two..." they're just being nice.

But after the doctor's appointment, we came back to Grandma's to get boys and they drew beautiful sidewalk chalk art. (I'll interpret what you're about to see)

Artist: Preston

A movie for Mommy
Artist: Preston

A silly flower
Artist: Garrett

A beautiful flower drawn by my talented 4 year old, just kidding.
Artist: Aunt Lauren

And the sweetest thing you'll see all day:
"A picture of Mommy and Daddy, each holding one of the babies"
Artist: Garrett

Monday, May 24, 2010

Surprises = Guilt

Have you ever baited your child to come talk to you while Daddy is hiding around the corner to "surprise" them? And they get a little too scared and start crying? Yeah, I feel horrible. At least it ended in laughing and hugs, but mommy feels bad.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday to Sunday

Saturday ended up being a relaxing / productive day. My boys did all the weeding of the planter beds, OK rephrase that, Matthew weeded the planter beds, the boys got to play with all the worms that were found. And of course, "Mommy look!"

But lucky for us, the prior owners loved onions so you walk of our house and smell onions, umm... yum ??
But then both mom and dad got to take good naps while the boys watched a show. (TVs not a babysitter, is it?) Then Grandma and Grandpa Field, Aunt Lauren, and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Nye came for a visit. It was so nice to see Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Nye who traveled all the way from Idaho!

Saturday night, poor little Garrett had a nightmare and had to sit with daddy for a few minutes. But got to help daddy do work on the computer.

Oh my handsome boys! After church, the boys got to try Daddy's ties on, and look closely... Daddy got to try Preston's tie on too!
Oh, how relaxing are Sunday afternoons at home!

Week 29 Baby update!
According to BabyCenter email, the babies are 2 1/2 pounds and just over 15 inches long. (I believe it!) Their brains are working overtime building neurons and they are collecting as much calcium as they can to build their little bones. Yes, those little kicks and somersaults are preparing them for their upcoming auditions for Cirque du Soleil. (That or their upcoming UFC ultra-feather weight bout.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wacky Wednesday Night!

After baths on Wednesday, the boys decided to keep the fun of Wacky Wednesday going with Wacky Wednesday night! All the way down to their underpants! (Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that!)

Then this morning, they helped mom do the laundry!
I'm trying to stay pretty calm today since tonight is book club and I'm so exited to go. What a day! Last day of preschool, book club, oh and I get a nap while boys are gone, nice!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wacky Wednesday!

Today was Wacky Wednesday at preschool and the boys got to dress funny and do their hair funny. Preston didn't want it "spikey" so I just parted it down the middle and tried to plaster it with gel and hairspray. Preston wasn't as willing to dress funny for school until he saw what Garrett picked, then he had to match his brother (but had to change into jeans before leaving the house, oh Preston).
Then our new friends T.J. and Cooper brought over preschool graduation cupcakes they made special for the boys! They were thrilled.

After preschool we got to go play at Aunt Kirsten's and guess what? My sweet sister even gave me a pedicure (cause I can't bend you know...) Oh and don't look too closely at my swollen feet, I have no ankles!!

Hope you had just as fun a Wacky Wednesday!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quick question...

You know how they say it helps to drink water to keep your feet and hands from swelling? Do they know their lying?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe it's almost been 3 weeks on bed rest. Last week I had doctors appointments, tests at the hospital, among them, I had the dreaded glucose test. It was awful...we'll leave it at that.

Friday was a busy day going to the hospital and being there almost 3 hours. I sacked out on my mother-in-laws couch for a few hours, but then Saturday, I was in bed all day. It's amazing how when I do anything outside of the house, I am leveled the next day.

Now we're at 28 weeks, and if we can go 6 more weeks, the doctor feels the babies would be ok to come at 34 weeks. Hopefully we can go longer, but this way they'd most likely be ok to come. Keep your fingers crossed, while we're trying to keep contractions to a minimum... so that equates to me on the couch. Happy bed rest!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day!

What a great day! It all started with a yummy blueberry pancake breakfast, eggs and bacon (and yes I even ate bacon today, can you believe it?) I was kind of suffering from a big weekend this morning so I didn't make it to church...I know I'm not even supposed to, but I thought I could make it to Sacrament Meeting, it's Mother's Day, but nope, I was back in bed by 12:30.

Anyway, my cute boys gave me cards, treats and make up. They're so sweet. My family was so great to come bring dinner and Kimball brought over his beautiful Conure parrot Harley.

What would be a family evening together without a baseball game in the backyard? Isn't family great?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday Chores

With the boys at a cousins sleepover last night, Matthew and I got up this morning and ran some errands. Yes, I left the house once again and went to Target and Rod Works. I promise, both places, I knew exactly where I was going and went right back to the car. Matthew has been so great today to work on clearing out the garage so we can park the van in the garage and finished working in the yard. It looks great!

We had Sarah and Emily come help me finish the kitchen unpacking and dejunking. They are so great. We had so much fun.

We even had our first BBQ at the new house! Grill man Matthew made hamburgers that were delicious! The boys got to run through the sprinklers in the backyard. Summer is here at our house, despite the cold weather now and then.

Fun, fun day... worth being in bed the rest of the day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day out!

I finally left the house for a while! I begged Kirsten to go to Barnes & Noble to buy my book club book for me, but then I thought, maybe just drive me there and I'll sit in the car. (Of course I had to go in, I knew right where the book was, but I made her wait in line and I went out and got in the car, isn't she great?)

It was so nice to be out with the living! My sweet niece Whitney is having the boys sleep over tonight and Matthew and I are getting a few things done around the house, well, I'm sitting on the couch directing him on things to do around the house, so a nice evening to read. What a good day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bed rest - Day 7

So I figured I haven't left this house since I walked in on moving day on Saturday... it's Thursday! I've gone outside and sat in a lawn chair for a few minutes, but ouch. So this weekend I need to get out of my house, maybe to the park and sit in a lawn chair there for a few minutes... or in the freshly mowed backyard.

Daddy's little helpers...

I'm almost finished with my second book while on bed rest. The first was "The Paris Vendetta" by Steve Berry. You know I love my Steve Berry and his character Cotton Malone. The second is "Magic Study" by Maria Snyder. I've got about 30 pages, so that will be done tonight.

I'm excited to start indexing for the church with all my free time and slowly try to do projects around the house... we'll see.

Today has been a good day. A few small contractions, not any really bad ones. My sister came to visit and we had dinner brought in from a new ward member. So all in all, a good day!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bed rest - Day 6

So... not so relaxing on bed rest. Between Preston cutting his finger with a paring knife trying to open a banana (which mom said no to, by the way), fighting against going to preschool, doorbells ringing, phones and emails (grateful for the support) and just plain discomfort today, I'm exhausted. I've tried to lay down in bed twice and been woken up...what do I do? I'm going to sit on my couch in the front room and read and rest here and not move. It kind of makes me laugh that I'm not doing anything, but not relaxing either, I thought that's why I quit working... so I guess I'm going to have to really learn how this bed rest thing works. Wish me luck.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thank you

Today I want to tell you how thankful I am. You know sometimes it's hard to receive service? Sometimes it's hard to ask for help? Well I have to say how thankful I am for family and friends who have helped us so much the last few days, I am truly humbled.

I cannot believe the effort and time it has taken us to move an entire household 2 miles down the road. But I am more amazed that 24 hours into a new home, I feel that my kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms are functional and now it's a matter of unpacking the small stuff.

Have you ever just sat back and felt so helpless? These last few days have not been easy on me to sit back and just depend so much on other people, but I am so grateful to be in my home and so blessed with the most wonderful people surrounding me...

Thank you

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Moving Day!

Well...we made it! I cannot believe how many people showed up to help us today! Isn't it always amazing how when you move, you actually see how much junk you have that you really don't need? Seriously, if you come visit, just plan on taking a box home and guess what wonderful treasures you find.

I was commanded to hold the couch down with Sharon so we could both keep our feet up while the troops loaded the trucks. Thankfully the wonderful Spanish Fork weather, wind, rain and clouds didn't keep the guys from packing and hauling everything out.

We got the bedrooms, kitchen
and family room put together for now.

It's Saturday evening and the last project of the night is the new dresser. Matthew, his Dad and Cameron are currently putting it together and I think we'll be able to sleep comfortably tonight.

We had new neighbors invite the boys to play and they found new friends their same age. But not before they unpacked their own toys and put them away in their closet bins

But what would be a night at home snuggling on the bed with family without thumb wars?

Thanks to everyone who helped! I cannot believe the support you've shown. Now... we're home.