Today was Wacky Wednesday at preschool and the boys got to dress funny and do their hair funny. Preston didn't want it "spikey" so I just parted it down the middle and tried to plaster it with gel and hairspray. Preston wasn't as willing to dress funny for school until he saw what Garrett picked, then he had to match his brother (but had to change into jeans before leaving the house, oh Preston).

Then our new friends T.J. and Cooper brought over preschool graduation cupcakes they made special for the boys! They were thrilled.

After preschool we got to go play at Aunt Kirsten's and guess what? My sweet sister even gave me a pedicure (cause I can't bend you know...) Oh and don't look too closely at my swollen feet, I have no ankles!!
Hope you had just as fun a Wacky Wednesday!!

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