I had a doctor's appointment today and mustered up all my energy to get myself ready, pulled my hair back, oh, so nicely AND put make up on, thank you very much. Went to lunch with my family at Noodles (YUM!) and saw my boss there of all people!!! and got the "aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Umm...yes but I have a doctor's appointment today, and I need to eat right? Awkward!!!
So to the sad news of the day:
Wonderful Mother-in-Law drove me to the doctor, weight gain good, blood pressure good, go in to see the doctor and got the sad news of... "so you're measuring good, about what full term would be with one baby." .... What? Ok, I know, I know, I'm having two, but... HOLY COW, I'M HUGE!!!
I finally figured out when people say, "you're not that big for having two..." they're just being nice.
But after the doctor's appointment, we came back to Grandma's to get boys and they drew beautiful sidewalk chalk art. (I'll interpret what you're about to see)

One trait I got from my mother, I've already passed on to my children: it's a LIST! (oh, it's walking of course, didn't you know they did that?)
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