Saturday, October 30, 2010

Costume Day 2010!

Happy Halloween!!!

The boys were so excited to go Trick or Treating... but thanks to fall Utah County weather, the clouds rolled in, the thunder struck, the rains came down and the hail fell fast! The boys and Daddy had to wait under a neighbor's porch for at least a small break in the rain to make a run for it home. They came in soaked and the boys got to help me hand out candy for the rest of the evening. You got to love it when only a few houses is enough for them! Daddy got to sit and hold babies and watch game 3 of the World Series, go Giants!

Here are the people in my life who make me smile, glow, snicker, giggle and ultimately beam whenever I see them.

My Little Pumpkin Patch
My heroes (except for the evil Darth Sidius in the middle, he's spooky!)
Two little Jedi's who make me smile on a minute by minute basis.

Highlight: Beautifully made costumes by Grandma Field, love you!
Lowlight: Rain and hail made Trick or Treating last only 15 minutes (maybe that is a highlight)

Hope you all had a fantastic Halloween!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

This is Halloween, this is Halloween!

What a fun week! The boys had their pre-school party and got to play Bingo, decorate cookies, create their own jack-o-lantern treat bags and read a few Halloween stories.
Mathew dressed up for his work party and apparently had a fun time driving down the street!
Friday we had our pumpkin carving night and had the Evans family over. What a blast! The boys got to dig out their pumpkins (eewww gross!) and decorate cookies.
Here are the fruits of our labor. Matthew did Darth Maul since that's what he dressed up as. The boys did different Jack Skellington faces (ok, Matthew did them) and I did an owl. Tons o' fun!
We had some fun Halloween activities leading up to the big day, hopefully tomorrow will be a fun day of Trick or Treating!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

To My Cycling Champion

I dedicate this post to my ever inspiring, aiming to do better, reaching higher, goal achieving, awesomeness off the charts, Tour de St. George racing hubby, Matthew.

This year, Mr. Awesome found a new hobby, which he has taken to so naturally and found a love in cycling. The reason for my high praise is since he started cycling only 4 months ago, last weekend he signed up for a 65 mile bike race in lovely St. George Utah, and due to Utah Construction Season, they added another 10 miles on top of that and he completed a 75 mile bike race. Along the race he was witness to a woman crashing over her handlebars, a man having a heart attack, pit stops running out of water, an extra 3 mile detour and due to another biker's mistake, ended in a crash after the finish line. With all that happened in the 4 and a half hours, my respect, love and awe for said Mr. Awesome just grew even more.

Love you sweetie.
The start of the race
Jordan, Matthew and Shane counting down!
Along the race route
And here they come!
After 75 miles, what an accomplishment!
I'm so proud of you sweetie, maybe next year I'll do it with you... wait, they have a 30 miler right???

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pumpkin Hunting

Today was the day! We packed up the kiddos and made our way to Pumpkin-land to hunt down the perfect one. We love our pumpkin carving tradition but all that has to start with the right pumpkin.

My sweet Garrett wanted the ones not for sale and couldn't understand...
"It's right here, why can't we get this one?"
Preston loves to be in charge of things,
so he was in charge of hauling away our stash.
The guardian of the pumpkins.
Daddy's pick, what's he going to do this year???
Apparently while we were out, our house has been taken over by ghosts! So please beware when you come to visit us, they are everywhere!!!
Did I not tell you? They're everywhere!!
Seems like we're on track for a spooky Halloween!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Family Vacation... finally

We actually left the house for a small family vacation after a very busy and yet not-so-busy 2010 year. In support of Matthew riding in the Tour de St. George, we packed up the Field troops and made our way down south to the land of sun, warmth and snow birds.

We enjoyed a day in the sun with cool drinks, warm sun and Kade showing us at what height a water balloon will pop. Kirsten learned it's at Kade's ear level, not shoulder height, just 3 inches above that.

My cute boys!
Lounging by the pool (Kirsten, I counted to 2, you couldn't look at the camera??)
Sweet Garrett
Cute Bryson
Do I get in?.... I think I can, I think I can
Aunt Kiki on baby duty
Aunt Becky too!
Oh, and cousin Hayden
I have the coolest nephews... or smoothest??
This little girl just makes me smile...
Car-car, you got to love him!!
Kasen kept using the water can to cool Matthew's feet while he was lounging in the sun (whether Uncle Matt asked him to or not)
Oh I love my fam!!!

(Pictures of the Tour de St. George to come as soon as my camera cord that I left in St. George comes in the mail)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Dance of Sunday Afternoon

I love Sundays. Since our ward meets at 1:00, the mornings are always so lazy. The boys pile with us on the bed all practically smothering around the babies and just talk, play, listen to music and then realize the time and start the Sunday Dance...

I hop in the shower
Matthew irons all the shirts
I get ready
Matthew hops in the shower
I dress the boys
Matthew gets the boys a snack
I bathe and dress the babies
Matthew reviews his lesson
I get church bags ready
Matthew does the boys hair
I put the baby bag together
Matthew helps boys find their shoes
I search for binki's
Matthew puts the babies in the car seats
I put the boys in the car
Matthew puts the babies in the car... and we're off.

Chances are, we're walking in a few minutes before it starts... alas, no, we're late, but again, a beautifully choreographed Sunday dance.

Today being no exception, I realize how blessed we are.

Highlight: Grandpa and Grandma Field and Aunt Lauren came over and brought us dinner!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Day is Done

Wow what a day it has been.
I'm amazed as I sit here at 9:36 Saturday night and feel my body (completely overwhelmed by the day) finally start to relax.

Saturday morning equals: breakfast, changing babies, feeding babies, work out, shower, dress, hair (I have to apologize to my nephews for having to see me with velcro rollers in my hair, it's not pretty but I didn't have the energy to round brush, hence velcro rollers, sorry boys) and no make up, it's Saturday for crying out loud!, change babies, feed babies, house cleaning, put babies down for nap, tell the boys to get dressed for the umpteenth time (it took over an hour today, world record or average time? you decide)

Turns into:

Saturday afternoon of: feed boys, clean up toys, change babies, feed babies, go with sister to store for dinner fixings and diet Dr. Pepper run, come home, clean up kitchen to start dirtying it up again for dinner

Works it way into:

Saturday evening of: making dinner, start BYU game at least 30 minutes in to skip commercials, change babies, feed babies, eat dinner, referee the boys soccer game outside, bounce little Kirtlyn around the living room, put babies down for a nap, eat some dessert, watch BYU win the by the skin of their teeth, say good bye to cousins, clean up kitchen, put boys in shower, tell them to get dressed for bed umpteen times again, say prayers, change babies, feed babies, wash face, take out contacts, sit in bed with another ice cold diet Dr. Pepper, and finally take a breath...

Are you exhausted? I am.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Daddy and Kirtlyn

Talmage and Kirtlyn are now three months old. Can it be true? Time can fly that fast?

It's fun when babies start to interact, smile and begin to talk (or coo). It's so sweet, you can't help but stare at little babies just to see what they might do.

Kirtlyn loves her Daddy! She knows where he is any time and can we say "wrapped around her little finger??" It's really cute to watch, although, I may have some competition. They were talking and Daddy got a fun little surprise (totally worth the 30 seconds!)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Babies Photo Shoot

My Sweet, Sweet Babies!!!