Ladies and Gentlemen!
Children of all ages!
Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey
Proudly present...
The Greatest Show on Earth!!!
(If you can get to it)
Matthew and I realized that (other than the crazy events of the babies arrival) the summer of 2010 was really uneventful for the boys. Then we see that the circus is in town for a limited time so we jumped on the chance to take the boys out to an evening of fun and let them experience the circus, the animals, the train ride to and from... What were we thinking???
Well Saturday, September 25th finally came, the boys were so excited. We left in plenty, I mean plenty of time to take the babies to Grandma Field's, go to dinner, park at the Trax station to ride the train and go to the pre-show entertainment of seeing the animals and meeting the cast and finding our seats just in time for the big show to start...
We leave the babies at Grandma's go to JCW's (mommy got to pick dinner) and leave for the train station. Why in the world did we trust mom's "research" skills when the Internet says trains leave for Salt Lake City from Sandy every 20 minutes. We arrive at the train station and "LOOK! the train's waiting, come on boys, let's get our tickets, hurry go find a seat, it's leaving in 3 minutes.... Wow, we made it!
Oh boys, are you so excited???"
Well, about 5 stops along the way, we realize that all the passengers are Ute fans (I know, sad huh?) It's starting to dawn on us, we're on the wrong train... Well, let's just get off at the next stop and wait for the next train (900 South, over 12 blocks away) Sounds good. They're 20 minutes apart and the next train should arrive in about 9 minutes...
6:00 Green Salt Lake Train full of Ute fans...
Cindi: Matthew, the circus starts in an hour!!!
Matthew: It'll be ok, we have plenty of time.
6:20 Green Salt Lake Train full of Ute fans...
Cindi: Matthew, what do we do? We're not going to make it!!!
Matthew: It's ok, we'll wait one more train.
Cindi: Do we call a cab, or start walking???
Matthew: Walking? We're not walking, we'll call a cab before we walk.
6:40 Green Salt Lake Train full of Ute fans...
Cindi: Call a cab!!!
We call a cab, he about 10 minutes away, the circus is 15 minutes away... he came, drove like the wind, we did a u-turn right in front of the Energy Solutions Arena, and just like in the movies, got out curb side and "Boys! the circus!!!"
We happen to walk in right at our section, sit down as the Ringmaster starts singing:
"All aboard, All Aboard...
the Amazing Circus Train"
I look over at my cute husband, squeeze his hand, and we let out a big sigh of relief, we made it.
Complete attention
The parade of things to come...
The Amazing Torres family had a death wish of 7
Yes, 7 bikes in the ball of steel.

Well that mighty feat led the boys to their souvenir of choice!
The adorable elephants absolutely stole the show!
The Grand Finale!
I asked everyone what their favorite parts were -
Preston: I liked the tigers
Garrett: I liked the motorcycles
Cindi: The elephants
Matthew: I loved the motorcycles, I loved the trapeze artists, the trampoline guys, of course the elephants stole the show, I loved the tight rope walkers, the tigers, it was great!
I believe the circus was a hit!
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